Hello there!

Hey! Bonjour! Hola! Helloooooo! Welcome to "Hello Eryn", my latest venture. Because you know...I have so much extra time on my hands these days. 

First things first...I feel I owe a lot of you an explanation. If we are "friends" on FB, you may have freaked out and got a little too excited thinking I was pregnant when I shared my "Coming Soon" announcement for "Hello Eryn".  I'm sorry to disappoint the masses, but I'm not. And don't plan to be. Unless you can promise me that my next child will be just as cool as my first. And you can't promise me that so yeah...stop the madness!

So here's what's really going down...

I've come to the realization that my life is the absolute most exciting thing in the world and it needs to be documented. I'm pretty much a big deal, if you didn't know that already. 

Ok. Not really. Or not at all. Basically, I decided to create a place, a space, for me to document the happenings in my life. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad. Between my family, my travels, my love for oils, and my photography, I felt that it would be fun to share with all of my peeps and keep a "journal", so to speak, to look back on. I currently have a separate site and blog for both my photography and my essential oil goodness (you will hear a lot about those here) but I needed a landing place. A place to combine all of my ventures. A place to let it all out and share the goodness. 

So here we are! 


A few photos of my family. We're silly, and cute, and fun, and happy. Most days. 

xoxo - Eryn


Jimmy the cat