
What are essential oils?

By definition, essential oils are the vital (and aromatic) fluids of a plant, shrub, root, herb, flower, seed or tree. You can think of the oil as a plant's "immune system" -- it is essential to the lifer and health of the plant. Oils are typically extracted through careful steam distillation that ensures all the important, therapeutic, and health-giving constituents of the oil remain intact.

They are used to flavor foods and can be found in things like toothpaste and mouthwash to give it that minty kick. Oils are in perfumes, skin care products, and many places that you wouldn't guess - but not all oils are created equally. Oils found in food and cosmetics are typically synthetic, so your body processes it as a toxin. Synthetic oils are harder to break down and can be stored in fat cells. These types of synthetic oils work against your body.

Why Young Living?

Young Living has been a pioneer in essential oil research for the last 20 years.  They submit their oils to AIRAISE, a third party company to test each batch for purity.  They own their own farms all across the globe which gives them control over not only the outcome of the oils but also the soil they have been planted on, the way they are distilled, and the team behind the crops.  Every oil that has come from outside of YL's crops has been rigorously tested for purity.  We call the oils "beyond organic" because they ensure that no pesticides have ever been used on the crops or on the soil.  Any time you want to visit Young Living's farms, you are welcome.  They have an open door policy.  And you are able to participate in the harvesting and distilling process of the oils throughout each season.  These oils are therapeutic grade and do not have an expiration date!



What is a Young Living Membership?

What does it mean to join Young Living?  When you enroll, you are signing up for a Wholesale Membership.  This gives you the ability to order essential oils + products at 24% off.  You also have the ability to grow your membership into a business at any point but 92% of members are NOT business builders.  What we all have in common is that we truly love the company and their products.  

It works similarly to a COSTCO membership.  When you join, you never have an obligation to ever order again!  To keep your membership active, you only have to order once in a 12 month period.  There's no minimum monthly amount of ordering that you have to place.  Your membership is yours to use however you would like!